
woman with a big hat enjoying a glass of wine over lunch

Excuses for dating a younger woman

Love is like a box of chocolates, except in this case it’s two boxes – one that’s freshly bought from the store, and the other that’s been sitting in the kitchen pantry for a few years.  No, we’re just messing around, no matter what your age dating can be fun and it’s always nice to have a special someone to call your own.  Don’t let anyone call you a chauvinist pig, because you know they’re just jealous of how much fun you’re probably having.  Of course, just because you’re dating a younger woman doesn’t make it so, and sometimes the sideways looks or critiques from strangers, family, friends etc. might make you feel the need to explain yourself.  That’s where it would be great if there was a handy list of excuses for dating a younger woman… oh wait, there is.  Keep reading to find out how you can have your cake and eat it too.

Here is a list of excuses for dating a younger woman:

  1. She makes you feel young again.
  2. The sex is the best you’ve had in years.
  3. Physical attraction rules your world (yes, you’re a bit shallow but who cares…)
  4. Your younger date is more fun to be around.
  5. She has a lot enthusiasm and zest for life.
  6. You like being able to show her new things.
  7. There is a distinct lack of pressure in the relationship (family, children, life).
  8. She’s your link to the modern world of pop culture and helps keep you with it.
  9. She needs your support (both emotionally and financially)
  10. You’ve finally found someone who can grow with you.
  11. You feel like you’re her inspiration.
  12. She’s your muse.
  13. You get excited just thinking about your next date.
  14. She’s not set in her ways and adapts quickly.
  15. She doesn’t mind having an open relationship.
  16. She doesn’t expect to much of you.
  17. You feel like you are building a life, not mashing two already built ones together.

Liked our list?  We hope so!  Of course, there more excuses for dating a younger woman out there, but at the end of the day you shouldn’t really need one.  It’s your life, and that’s doubly true when it comes to your love life.  Maybe you’re dating to just have some fun, or you’re really trying to find someone compatible to live life with – it doesn’t really matter and neither should the age gap between partners.  That’s why, if someone starts giving you flak, just sling one of the above listed handy excuses in their face and be done with it.  Make love, not war!  Happy excuse making!

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